CRKF is a network of four independent institutions in Graz whose common interest lies in the conveyance of contemporary art within an international context.


CRKF archive:
Spring 2017
Summer 2017
Autumn 2017
Winter 2017
Spring 2018
Summer 2018
Autumn 2018
Winter 2018
Spring 2019
Summer 2019
Autumn 2019
Winter 2019
Summer 2020
Autumn 2020
Winter 2020
Spring 2021
Summer 2021
Winter 2021
Spring 2022
Summer 2022
Winter 2022
Spring 2023
Autumn 2023
Winter 2023
Spring 2024


Jason Dodge

22/06 - 24/08/2024, opening 21/06, 18:00

The exhibition is curated by Tom Engels and will be accompanied by a publication developed by Jason Dodge, Julie Peeters, and Tom Engels.

On the occasion of the exhibition’s opening, as well as the joint openings at Halle für Kunst Steiermark and Neue Galerie Graz, a shuttle bus from and back to Vienna will be provided.

Departure Vienna: 2:00 pm, Operngasse 4, Buszone, Wiener Staatsoper
Return 10:00 pm, Burgring 2, Halle für Kunst Steiermark

More information can be obtained by emailing

JASON DODGE lives on the island of Møn in Denmark.