CMRK is a network of four independent institutions in Graz whose common interest lies in the conveyance of contemporary art within an international context.

6 pm Grazer Kunstverein
7 pm Künstlerhaus KM– Halle für Kunst & Medien
8 pm Camera Austria
9 pm <rotor>

Free Shuttle Service
Departure Vienna
10.3.2017, 3pm
Opera bus stop, Bus 59a
Departure Graz
10.3.2017, 11.30 pm
< rotor >, Volksgartenstraße 6


Céline Condorelli, Chris Evans with Morten Norbye Halvorsen, Ernst Fischer, Fiona Hallinan, Isabella Kohlhuber, Isabel Nolan, Adam Zagajewski

Grazer Kunstverein
March 10 – June 09 2017

Our guiding leitmotif for 2017 is 'The Necessity of Art' – inspired by Ernst Fischer’s 1959 publication titled 'The Necessity of Art - A Marxist Approach'. The year-long programme of new commissions and artistic research is guided by Fischer’s claim that art is not only necessary in order to make it possible for humanity to recognise and change the world, but that art is also necessary by virtue of the magic inherent within it. Under the new direction of Kate Strain, the artistic programme is conceived as an evolving process of changing seasons. New commissions will be realised in the spirit of Fischer’s philosophy, responding to the Grazer Kunstverein as a living entity. Each newly commissioned body of work overlaps, feeds into, informs and shapes the development of the others.

Spring at the Grazer Kunstverein is a season inspired by the agency of art in the context of world-building and the lived environment. In the spirit of Austrian café-culture, and the Irish tradition of the public-house, the season looks at how art can enrich and confound our thinking processes, as with the work of Isabel Nolan; support, enable and empower, through the work of Isabella Kohlhuber; and reflect on what it means to be alive together, through a series of new research initiatives and collaborations. In addition, a poem of profound beauty, by Adam Zagajewski, will accompany us through our year-long cycle of activities. It will be recited, upon request, in both English and German, by staff of the Grazer Kunstverein.

As part of new commissions, Chris Evans, in collaboration with Morten Norbye Halvorsen, has produced a jingle for the six entrance doors of the Grazer Kunstverein, set to cumulatively proclaim and broadcast the arrival of each visitor. Evans will also develop a public sculpture for the exterior of the building, which will be realised in the summer of 2018. Fiona Hallinan will launch the first iteration of Fink’s – a newly commissioned ‘library of tastes’, designed in collaboration with local producers, set to create a welcoming threshold for conversation and exchange at the Grazer Kunstverein.

Grazer Kunstverein, Palais Trauttmansdorff, Burggasse 4, 8010 Graz
Tel. +43 (0)316 83 41 41, Fax +43 (0)316 83 41 42,

Opening hours: Wed-Sun 11am – 6pm
Fink’s is open daily: 10.03– 20.03 inclusive

Grazer Kunstverein is structurally supported by the city of Graz, the Federal Chancellery of Austria Arts and Culture Division, the province of Styria, Legero |, and its members. The presentation of work by Isabel Nolan and Fiona Hallinan is kindly supported by Culture Ireland.

Fiona Hallinan and Katie Sanderson, The Hare, 2013